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December 20, 2003

Essay on the "New Sentence" and Ron Silliman

This is an essay on a poem by Ron Silliman, in reference to an essay from the essay collection Artifice and Indeterminacy: An Anthology of New Poetics edited by Christopher Beach. The assignment was to respond to essays in one of a selection of books, though this essay of mine might have been better if I was actually using the book the "New Sentence" by Ron Silliman, which the essay in the anthology is about (I'm sort of writing an essay about an essay about a book about a subject). However, the concept of the "New Sentence" was so intreguing to me that I wanted to write about it anyway. The full Silliman poem I'm using can be found here:
Excerpt from YOU by Ron Silliman

And my essay is here:
Analyzing "VIII" from YOU by Ron Silliman in reference to "Parataxis and Narrative: The New Sentence in Theory and Practice" by Bob Perelman from the book Artifice and Indeterminacy: An Anthology of New Poetics edited by Christopher Beach: An Essay with a Long Title

Posted by Eric Rosenfield at December 20, 2003 03:19 PM |